Ms. Shemmy Ebulon Ekuwom is a young, enterprising, energetic and dedicated professional of integrity. Born and brought up in Turkana County, Shemmy has previously worked with a range of Non-Governmental Organizations including the Embassy of Japan in Nairobi as an Administrative Information Officer where she played a leading role in efficiency of embassy operations. A graduate of Finance from the United States International University-Africa, she is fully knowledgeable in general accounting, payroll, and budgeting. She is particularly concerned with implementing innovative accounting practices and procedures to improve organizational efficiency. Shemmy has an unparalleled passion for community development and youth empowerment and has volunteered for several youths-specific programs in Turkana. Shemmy holds a Diploma (International Programme) in Diplomacy at the Galilee International Management Institute- Israel, a BSc. International Business Administration- Finance from the United States International University- Africa, and an MSc IB, International Business from the Lancaster University Management School-United Kingdom (U.K). Shemmy currently serves as the Turkana County Government Director in charge of Tourism. She Planned and oversaw the planning of the Turkana County Tourism & Cultural Festival, profiling Turkana as a destination of choice for tourist through the rallying call as the true origin of mankind increasing the tourist inflow by 25%. She brings this wealth of professional experience and academic training to Article 43 as a Member of the Board of Directors.


Brizan is a teacher by profession, he has 10 years teaching experience and worked with the youth in Turkana County at various levels. He has a diploma in Human Resource Management and is currently enrolled as an undergraduate student taking a business management course.


Arikosi Beha is a skilled and experienced Consultant in the field of Asylum Law, Asylum Procedure and Human Rights with a demonstrated history of working in the Civic & Social Organization industry. She is skilled in Asylum Law, Asylum-Seekers Rights, Human Rights, Project Management, Conflict Resolution, Rural Development, Leadership, Communication and Humanitarian Assistance. She has a MSc. International Development focused in Conflict, Security and Development from The University of Birmingham and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Sociology from the University of Nairobi.
She has worked and still works with International NGOs, including United Nations Mines Advisory Group, Mines Advisory Group (UK), Caritas, Germany and Red Cross, Germany.
She is passionate about Women and Girls Empowerment, Youth Empowerment, Girls Education, Leadership, Climate Change, Rural and Community Development, where she has volunteered in various local NGOs working to improve the lives and prospect of women, girls, youth and rural communities both in Kenya and Germany in which she engaged in developing sustainable ideas to combat poverty and empower communities to develop themselves.
She is a mother of two children and loves nature and often goes for a run, jog or cycling when she is not working or caring for the family.

Hall of Flowers

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Duis condimentum risus eu sem consequat, sed varius tellus feugiat. Mauris tristique, quam sed pulvinar elementum, quam libero egestas eros, et bibendum justo justo in erat. In rutrum sollicitudin luctus. Etiam nec diam maximus, rutrum magna eu, maximus augue. Pellentesque sapien sapien, dignissim nec varius non, tincidunt vitae nulla. Sed dictum sapien sit amet felis ornare, eget pulvinar est gravida. In ultrices eleifend malesuada.