Articles & Posts
Ms. Shemmy Ebulon Ekuwom is a young, enterprising, energetic and dedicated professional of integrity. Born and brought up in Turkana County, Shemmy has previously worked with a range of Non-Governmental Organizations including the Embassy of Japan…
Brizan is a teacher by profession, he has 10 years teaching experience and worked with the youth in Turkana County at various levels. He has a diploma in Human Resource Management and is currently enrolled as…
Arikosi Beha is a skilled and experienced Consultant in the field of Asylum Law, Asylum Procedure and Human Rights with a demonstrated history of working in the Civic & Social Organization industry. She is skilled in…
Hall of Flowers
Aliquam elemen tum massa at placerat elemen tum. Vestibu lum eu luctus turpis. Vivamus dictum ipsum vel ex vehicula, a mollis dolor aliquam varius tellus. Vestibu lum metus nibh, bibendum sed mi ut, scelerisque porta felis.…
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